Friday, May 30, 2014

Using overripe bananas

In spite of my best efforts, I always seem to have bananas going bad. I use them in smoothies and eat them plain, and bug my hubby to eat them, but they just don't get used quick enough. I thought I would look for a recipe besides banana bread to use them, and I found one for banana cookies with oatmeal. Score for a slightly healthier cookie option!

I mixed up the recipe, which you can find HERE, and it wasn't very stiff for cookie dough, so I put it into a 9x13 and an 8x8. Glad I did, because when I baked it, it did end up more like bread.... but hey, at least I used the bananas and got some oatmeal in there too. Maybe my bananas were too ripe? Or bigger than standard? Not sure. I wish I could find a good recipe for cookies made with bananas.... this one tastes great, it's just not cookie texture.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss: 25 pounds!

During the course of my pregnancy, I gained 35 pounds. They say a good typical gain is 25-35, so I felt pretty good about it as I progressed through the pregnancy. I didn't gain anything first trimester, and really only saw significant jumps after 5 months. For me, it was hard to see the scale go up, even though I knew I was eating right and exercising. I have always been conscious of my weight and had to work to stay in shape. (Not like my sister, who got the high metabolism...grrrr). So, once I had the baby, I was eager to see changes and lose the weight.

When I can home from the hospital, 10 pounds were off (8 lb 13 oz was baby) and I lost 4 inches from my waist. I was surprised that it wasn't more though, when I thought about the placenta, amniotic fluid, etc. that I lost during the birth. So that was a little discouraging. The first few days after the birth, my weight stayed pretty much the same. I think that was because I had swelling and extra fluid from my 3 hour stint on the morphine/fluid IV. By the end of the first week though, I started to see the pounds come off. By 9 days after birth, I was down 18 pounds and had lost another inch from my waist. By today, 15 days after birth, I has lost 25 pounds and another inch from my waist (6 total). Only 10 pounds to go to lose the baby weight!YES!

The thing that is so encouraging to me about all this, is that I have just continued to eat healthy, and have not been doing anything different. Well, I think that breastfeeding is a major factor in helping everything return to normal. I'm drinking a ton of water- maybe breastfeeding makes me thirsty or something! The soreness of birth has greatly reduced, and I'm walking about every other day. Nothing big, maybe a mile or so, with Ansel in the carrier. It feels so good to get out and walk!! I really want to be able to run again, but honestly, with nursing, it's just too soon for my breasts to be able to handle it. Even with a really supportive bra. Hopefully the tenderness of breastfeeding reduces soon though; I would really like to be able to run in another few weeks. Not because I want to push myself, but just because I miss running!

So, I have 10 pounds left to go. At this rate, let's hope it's gone in another week. But I have a feeling that it will take a little longer. Also, I really have another 10 on top of that to lose to return to where I would be content. Last spring, before we started trying to get pregnant, my insurance changed and I got a higher hormone dosage of birth control. Bad, bad idea. I gain 10 pounds in three months, and I think it was because of this. Even with training for the half marathon during the summer, and running in the fall, it never came off! This was so frustrating, because that stupid 10 pounds would not budge. I had been the same weight since graduating high school, and was healthy and comfortable there.

All in all, then, I have 20 pounds I would really like to lose. I know that it is going to be tough, but I am committed! It's about being healthy. Justin has a few extra he needs to lose too, and he likes going to the gym. I think we are going to try to get to the gym at least twice a week, and go on walks besides that. Hopefully in a couple of months we get it off!!

I'm excited at what has come off already, and determined to see the rest shed! I hope that I can look back on this post and see a goal met!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Breastfeeding and Babywise

Looking back, I thought breastfeeding would be easy. It's one of the most natural things in the world, right? Babies crawl right up to the breast after being born, and already know how to suckle. Mom's milk is the  most complete and easy nutrition available. 

If only it were really that easy.

I know I haven't had the toughest time, but I (and Ansel) are definitely learning. We had a few issues to work through in the beginning. Over the course of the first night, I would put him to my breast and he would eat. However, it definitely felt rather like pinching, and was not pleasant. I knew it shouldn't hurt, and we called the lactation consultant in the next morning. Ansel had certainly been sucking, and getting the colostrum, but he was indeed pinching me- and I had red marks to prove it. He was not getting a deep enough latch, the LC said, and probably needed his frenulum clipped (AKA he was tongue-tied). In combination with that, and sorry if this is TMI, apparently I have small (not inverted or flat) nipple buds, which compounded Ansel's latch problem. 

To solve the problem, the LC gave me nipple shields. I am convinced that whoever invented these should have a special place in heaven! What a huge help! They really helped Ansel latch on and saved me from feeling so pinched all the time. The LC had me use a hand pump to draw the nipple out for a minute or so, then put the nipple shield on. The nipple shield got us through the first week.

After the first week, I was starting to get annoyed at the nipple shields, just because it was an extra step. So, I started taking them off part way through the feeding a couple of times a day. Sometimes Ansel was willing, sometimes not. Sometimes, it hurt pretty bad. Finally, today, I was trying the side-lying position, which I hadn't used since the hospital, and forgot the nipple shield in the other room. I decided we would just try it without. Ansel did great! He fed 15 minutes on each side without it. I feel so good about this. Hopefully we can be almost done with using them, but I will have to see how tonight goes.

Now for Babywise. (I know not everyone agrees with the philosophy, but I just challenge people to actually read the book because it might be different that you think). The goal of the first week is to get full feedings every time I nurse. When Ansel had a full feeding, he lasted longer between feedings. Typically this was 2 1/2 to three hours, though at the end of the first week he had a few bouts of 2 hours... I felt like all I did was feed him! But he was giving me plenty of dirty diapers, both wet and poopy, so I know he was getting what he needed.

By Sunday though, I was ready to try to move him onto more of a schedule. I needed it, so I could get enough sleep, and he needed it, so that he knew what to expect. While Babywise encourages you to not really worry about the schedule in the second week (just get full feedings), I thought I would go ahead and try. I set up a 3 hour schedule, and put it at 6 am, 9 am, 12pm, 3 pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12 am, 3 am. I would feed him at those times, working to get him at least 10 minutes on each breast, and then give him "wake time," as Babywise calls it, and then put him down to sleep. Sometimes it takes Ansel longer to get a full feeding- 45 minutes or more- and his wake time is only 15 minutes or so. If I try to keep him up longer, he is actually crankier and has a harder time falling asleep. Then he will sleep for about two hours, at which point I will wake him up and feed him again, and repeat the cycle.

I really like this routine for several reasons. First, both Ansel and I know what to expect. Second, it gives me some type of sanity when I feel like all I do is feed him! I have at least an hour and a half to myself between each feeding that I can shower, take a nap, pick up the house, or something of that nature. It's helping me feel like life is returning to normal. Ansel is eating great too. He usually nurses for 10-15 minutes on each side. Then he is alert for a short time before being ready to sleep again. Now, it may take time for him to fall asleep. That is, he will cry for 5- 20 minutes sometimes. While I hate hearing him cry, I know that he has a full belly, he has had cuddle time, his diaper is clean, etc. He just has to learn to self-pacify. I do at times use a pacifier, because I think he is one of those babies that just needs to suck on something. But I try to only use it at night, when I really need to rest.

What is awesome is that over the last few nights, since I have started the 3 hour routine, Ansel has started sleeping longer. So, I feed him 9:00-9:45 pm, and he sleeps 9:45-1. That means I get a 3 hour block! So awesome. Tonight I am feeding him at 10 pm because we were a little off the 3 hour schedule, and hopefully I will only have to get up at 2 am, and then 6 am. Hopefully...... I don't want to spread feedings more than 4 hours this week because of my milk supply, but 4 hours during the night is so good for me to get rest and be a better mommy.

More updates as the weeks go by. Thank you, Babywise!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Postpartum: The First Week

I am on day 9 of my baby boy's life. We are starting to fall into a little more of a routine- eat, wake time, sleep time. (Thank you, Babywise. Another post on that later). What I would really like to write about is the emotional and physical side of the first week with Ansel.

Let's start with the physical. Everything hurts. Or just about everything! My legs had some swelling, which wasn't painful, but just uncomfortable from the fluid retention. I can deal with that. My biceps were sore...weird, I thought, but Justin kept trying to coach me to relax as I was kneeling over the birth ball, and it was just very difficult to do. But I can handle some muscle soreness too. My stomach wasn't sore, but it was a strange sensation to have my uterus contracting still as it returns to normal size. Certainly these aren't like labor contractions, not painful, but still something was happening that I could notice. My belly also felt so jiggly from the extra skin and the baby being out. Not that I had super in-shape abs before, but I certainly didn't have the tone that I had pre-pregnancy.  Most of these physical affects were greatly reduced after the first week. While I'm sure this is different for everyone, the lochia discharge greatly reduced after the first few days too. Still, it continues into the second week and is supposed to go on for several more.

When it comes to the physical aspect of breastfeeding, it was definitely uncomfortable when my milk "came in." The only solution that helped was to keep pumping to help the breasts not feel so full. I don't think I experienced severe engorgement though, like I had read about, but certainly it was uncomfortable since I am large-breasted. This lasted about two days, and by the end of the week my breasts seemed to start regulating themselves, as long as I fed Ansel every 2-3 hours.

But the worst physical affect was, as I'm sure you could guess, the soreness and achy-ness around the perineum. Thankfully the swelling went down after about two days, but everything was so tender. No burning when I used the restroom, but just very tender. Finding a comfortable position to sit was a challenge, especially with a big pad in my underwear the first few days. Definitely couldn't sit in any solid chairs, and ate dinner on the couch each night. The water bottle they gave me to help clean down there felt good, and the witch hazel pads to line the large pad were very beneficial. It just sucked that they ran out. Justin tried to find more for me but they didn't have the right kind. I took 800 mg of Motrin every 8 hours to help with the pain, and continue to take it. On day 9, I am still sore, but it has definitely gotten more manageable.

Then there were other physical revelations:
-Having a bowel movement is so easy!! I'm sure a healthy diet has to do with this, but after pushing the baby out, I think any bowel movement is easy! They did give me a stool softener after birth, but I didn't have any trouble with having a movement the first day or the days after.
-I can urinate at normal intervals again! I don't have to go every 30 minutes. Amazing how much I took that for granted! However, there were times I felt like I had a little less control when the urge to go hit, and I wonder if this was part of everything inside me shifting around.
-I am losing weight and not even trying! When I came home from the hospital, I had dropped about 10 pounds (baby and placenta) but still had swelling. As the week went on, each day the scale went down. I gained 35 pounds during the pregnancy, and 19 have already come off. It is so great to see the scale go down. I think that was something that was difficult for me- to see the scale keep going up during pregnancy, even though I knew it was for the baby and I was eating healthy and still exercising. I have always had to work to maintain a healthy weight, and I do worry about being able to get it all off. But the progress so far is encouraging, especially since the only thing I am really trying to watch is how many sweets I eat. Otherwise, I just continue to keep up with lots of fruits, veggies, proteins, and grains from the Brewer diet.
-I don't have to take a shower every day. Or at least, I didn't! Hahaha... every other day was really all I could handle between feeding the baby, feeding myself, and trying to get enough sleep.
-I didn't know my breasts could get any bigger! I am not a small chested person to begin with (usually I can find my size at VS), but I went up two sizes over the course of the pregnancy, and then when my milk came in, it was even worse. I'm committed to breastfeeding, but I will be glad when it's done, and hopefully I return to my former size.

Now, emotionally is a whole different story. Of course the physical pain affects the emotions, because I was just trying to cope with everything. There were certainly crying spells, especially at the beginning of the week. When we were driving home, for some reason I just let loose. Poor Justin, I mean, he hurt for me but there is only so much he could do. He just rubbed my leg as we drove. I think that the labor was just so intense, and went longer, and I had that uncontrollable leg shaking, and I had to do the IV, and I pushed for so long, all the tears just came out at once. So of course that first week, I am so tired, from not sleeping during the night of labor, and not sleeping the night at the hospital afterwards, that I would just cry sometimes. I didn't want anyone around but Justin. Even now, I don't want to see a lot of people. The amount of time I put in to feed and care for Ansel is pretty consuming, and I don't want to think about doing my hair or makeup, and I don't really want anyone to see me like that either. So I know that people care, but I didn't want to talk to them at all. The first wonderful person that brought a meal just handed it off to Justin.

Getting the hang of breastfeeding is tough, and I think I will have to do a whole post just on that, but that is pretty emotional too. Another reason to not see anyone. I had no privacy at the hospital, and when I came home, I just wanted peace to breastfeed and not worry about who was around. Really, I still feel this way. It's really something you have to work at! And it's every three hours, so it's pretty consuming! My grandparents came up on Saturday for a few hours, which I'm glad they did, but I still had to work in a feeding while they were here. (By the way, they were the perfect visitors- they brought food, gifts, and helped with chores while they were here- just the things that I needed!) Breastfeeding is emotional because I worried that Ansel is getting everything he needed. A week later, I know he is doing well because of all his wet and poopy diapers!   

I am thankful that my mom was and is around. She comes over for a few hours a day and cooks and cleans for me. It's so nice not to worry about those things. Sure, she gets to hold Ansel, but it's maybe for 15-20 minutes of her 3-4 hour stay. The rest of the time she does anything I say, which today was dusting baseboards and cleaning the ceiling fans. She's run to the store even. But I think the thing that helps me most is I can tell her when to leave, and she gets it. Sometimes I just need time alone. On one day, we had a few visitors, and I was tired and just wanted to be alone, so I just went in to feed Ansel and Justin told her it was time to go. And she understood. I really appreciate this about my mom. I know that she would have loved to be there for the birth, or to know when we went to the hospital, but that just wasn't what we wanted. I'm glad that we have been able to come to terms on it. So, to wrap this paragraph up, it has been an emotional help to have my mom as my own personal workhorse the first week! Part of me feels bad about "using" her like this, but I know that is how she shows that she cares, and as the weeks go on and I feel better, this will lessen as I can take it on.

I would be remiss not to talk about Justin during the first week postpartum. He took off the week, and did anything and everything I needed around the house. He got up with Ansel, changed his diapers, held him when I was frustrated, brought me food and medicine, wrote me cards and emails he knew I would read during the night feedings, rubbed my back, hugged me, and just told me over and over how strong I was and how proud he was of me. I needed to hear it after how tired and sore I was after the birth. He's really got the daddy thing down pat too. It's amazing how neither of us were too interested in other people's babies, but Ansel, our baby, is a different story. Justin was just everything I needed, and I am so glad I am married to him. Our bond is deep and strong, and we celebrate our 5 year anniversary next month!

So overall, the postpartum week was rough. Even looking back on it, it seems like a blur. It went fast, yet slow because of the sleep deprivation. This week is definitely improving. Even now, I am doing something while Ansel sleeps, because I was able to get more sleep last night, and did a nap earlier today. So the routine is starting to form. I still don't feel ready to entertain visitors, and want to be alone because it takes more energy to have people around. But there is a gradual improvement in my mood and my body. God is good. He's blessed me with a precious baby. It was worth it. (And I'm so glad birth and the first week is over!)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Our Birth Story: For Real

Warning: TMI ahead for sensitive readers...
I'm writing this because I think people should talk more about birth. The good and the bad.

Ansel Paul was born last Sunday, May 11 at 3:41 PM. He was 20 1/2 inches long and weighed 8 lbs 13 oz. A big boy! Man!  This is our birth story. It might contain TOO MUCH INFORMATION for some of you, but I'm not going to sugarcoat things, so here it goes...

First, I had been having Braxton-Hicks contractions every 5 minutes for two weeks before my due date (May 10-Ansel came the day after). This was so exhausting because they would definitely keep me up at night, although they were not like the intensity of "real" labor contractions. May 10 finally rolled around and about 3 in the afternoon more intense contractions woke me up from a nap. We stayed home and walked, and tried to rest again, and went into Miami Valley around 10:30 PM. While I was 4 cent. at triage, they wanted me to walk, which I did, but had to stop and go hands-and-knees every three minutes when the contractions came. This was the beginning of a long night of back labor... they admitted us before midnight to Family Beginnings.

I labored some in the tub but didn't feel a lot of relief, and tried other positions. Justin was awesome and provided counter pressure on my back for pretty much every contraction the entire night. The back labor was really, really tough. I had progressed to 6 cm in the morning, but was so exhausted from being awake all night the midwife suggested an IV with morphine and fluids. (She also suggested a type of water injections in my back that provide relief, but I hate needles so this was not my preference. Being stuck once with an IV was bad enough). This enabled me to rest between contractions, though I still felt the pain of the contractions. I wish I hadn't had to do the morphine drip, but mentally and physically I had to have some kind of break.

When I came off of this after three hours, around 1 pm, my water broke and I was ready to push. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours... so intense! I'm not sure if the long night of back labor or pushing was worse though! (Just being honest). When he started to crown, I did feel a burning sensation like they say, but they showed me his head in a mirror, and that helped me focus and know that the end was coming. It's not like seeing the head erased the pain though, let's be real. The midwife let me know that she could do an episiotomy, but I wanted to keep pushing first. Finally his head came (what a little cone head), and then his shoulders had a little trouble, but then he was out! What a relief. Worth it but super tough. I did have a small tear, but the midwife said it might be just one stitch, so I said let it be. It can heal on its own. They placed Ansel on my belly for a short time, then took him to suction out some fluid. I had him back a few minutes after. During that time, the midwife was "massaging" my stomach to help expel the placenta and watch for blood loss. I say "massage" because it didn't feel good, and quite frankly I was so sick of having people touching me that I just wanted everyone off! Looking back, I wish I had seen the placenta, but they took it away, and I wasn't even thinking about it at the time. I was just looking back at Ansel as they made sure he was doing fine.

There were many times throughout the night that I felt like I just couldn't go on, but I just tried to take one contraction at a time. Mentally, it was so exhausting. I just wanted it done, and if I didn't hate needles so much, I might have ended up out of Family Beginnings and with an epidural. (Like I have said in previous posts, each mother has to do what is best for her. For me, I didn't feel like an epidural was best, especially since I heard of negative affects that can happen). There were also many times during that long two hours of pushing that I thought, "just do a c-section and get him out!" I knew the recovery from that is long though. Another very trying part of the pushing was when the midwife was providing pressure on my perineum so that I would not tear and would be able to push Ansel out. This was just a killer sharp pain, different than the pain of pushing. I know that it had to beneficial, but it really, really hurt. For pushing, I'm not sure how to describe the pain of pushing, except that it's like having the biggest bowel movement ever, and feeling like it will never come! And the intensity of the urge to push is just insane. I think I was pretty vocal during pushing... the poor other families in the two suites around mine- I probably sounded like I was dying!

Another physical and mental aspect of the birth was being checked to see if I was dilating. Nobody talks about this, and probably because it sucks! It was uncomfortable when the midwife checked me at my last appointment, but being checked during labor was horrible. Maybe I was just more sensitive, or maybe the midwife or nurses weren't as gentle. I don't know. But I was hoping only to be checked when I arrived and before I pushed, and in reality I was checked at least four times. Ugh. At the same time, I really needed to know what kind of progress I was making, so I did ask to be checked. But it just feels horrible.

Now, after the birth. I was able to rest in bed with Ansel on my chest, and began to nurse. That was a really special time. We held off calling anyone because, well, this was our time to be with our son. We had made it through 24 hours of labor, and we wanted that time to bond as a family. This is really important to us. Plus, I was just so exhausted, and so was Justin, who was up with me and supporting me the whole time! We needed to have some time without anyone else to enjoy the special wonder God gave us. We both really feel that by making the marriage commitment, we have dedicated ourselves to each other, and this bond supersedes all else as we grow our family. 

After some time, I needed to use the restroom. Wow, first time to use the restroom after birth... what can I say? It's a mess. I was still having lochia discharge, of course, and it just comes pouring out into the toilet. The nurse had me rinse off my perineum with a water bottle, they spray it with a numbing spray. Then she gave me the biggest pad ever- no lie- the thing was like 6x12 and witch hazel pads to also layer into the giant stretchy underwear. The witch hazel were a lifesaver! And I just remember how swelled everything down there was. Gosh, not pretty. Then they gave me a hospital gown to wear. (Before this, I labored buck naked. It's true that you lose your sense of modesty. But as soon as the birth was over, I got it back). But after that was all over, I laid back down with Ansel and rested. We ordered pizza and ate before we contacted anyone. I'm sure glad I did, because I didn't want to see anyone in that state.

Ansel has been very alert and active though and eating well. Justin was definitely awesome and supportive like a great coach the whole time, and I credit the good diet and exercise with getting me physically through everything. I'm still mentally processing everything with the birth, but let me tell you, I love my baby boy!! Yes, it was worth it. No, I don't know if I will ever do it again. I think I would rather run 1,000 marathons. It was a hard labor. But ask me another time. It's only been a week. :) Everyone's labor is different, but this is my birth story. I'm proud of myself, of my husband for guiding me through, and my baby for being strong through the process.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Before and After: Nursery

Problem areas in this room included: multiple textures on the walls, a horrible paint scheme, a chair rail, and flooring. To start with, we ripped off the chair rail. Then I undertook the task of completely retexturing the walls. I think I went through at least two 5-gallon buckets of mud for that project. I had to put a thin coat of mud with the trowel, then roll over it with textured sponge roller, then knock down the texture with the trowel. Yes, it took me a few days to finish. (I did try the spray-on texture, but it was no good. Too thin and runny to actually hold, and it didn't cover up the former texture enough for a unified look around the room.) Then we painted everything in Bittersweet Stem, which we also used for other rooms in the house that is from the Rustic Refined collection. Finally, the new wood laminate floor was laid, but you can't see much of it now because we have a rug.

Since this room is right next to our bedroom, it became the nursery. We had a lot of fun decorating with the Noah's Ark theme from Babies R Us. Now we just need to baby to arrive (a few more days, we hope!)


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Before and After: Utility Room

The utility room had several problems when we bought the house. First, the flooring was totally crummy. I think that the previous owners has let their animals use it as a restroom.... so it was pretty nasty and even though we cleaned it, it still looked crappy (pardon the pun). Also, the washer/dryer hookup was in this room, BUT, we could not figure out where the washer was draining to. I personally wanted to move the washer/dryer downstairs to the basement anyways to get it out of the way. Therefore, we replaced the flooring with the same linoleum that the contractors used in the kitchen, and covered up the washer drain-to-nowhere and moved the machines downstairs.

To finish the utility room, we bough stock cabinets and counter top from Lowe's. Justin cut and installed the cabinets, and I painted them. I would have been nice to get the same cabinets and counter as the kitchen, but it would have cost a lot more and the only thing we would have really gained was the bead board on the front. Otherwise they look pretty similar. (I'll take $500 for the project vs. $2,000 any day.) Patching and painting the walls with the same color as the kitchen, hanging curtains, and adding a picture collage helped to finish the room.

I love having half of the storage space for my crock pots and canning supplies, and Justin uses the other half for easy access to his tools and some gardening supplies. The window light is great for starting plants in the spring, and the counter gives us a place to work. Overall I am really pleased with the space.

Here's the before and after pics:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Easy No-Sew Pillow Slipcovers

You know when you want to update the look of room, but don't have much money? (Yea, it happens to me all the time) Pillows are usually an easy way to update a room and give it some color that isn't too expensive, if you find them cheap. The problem is, I've been looking at the discount stores and haven't seen much that I like. I did, however, have extra fabric from curtains on hand, and pillow forms that were still plush enough to use. So I decided to DIY!!! I am pumped with the result.

All you need to make these no-sew pillow slipcovers is the pillow form, fabric, iron-on hem tape (like HeatnBond No-Sew Hem), scissors, and an iron.

Here's what you do:
1. Measure the pillow. (Mine was 17 inches.)

2. Cut out the fabric and extra inch on each side and 6 inches top and bottom. (My fabric was 19 inches wide by 46 long)

3. Fold over the end of the short edge by about 2 inches. Cut the hem tape to fit underneath, and iron backside of the fabric together.

4. Flip the fabric over. Use a guide if you want to fold the fabric so that the hemmed edge rests in the middle of the the cover. (Mine was a 8 1/2 inches) Iron around the form (without any hem tape) so that it is easier to handle the fabric. Take the guide out.

5. Cut hem tape to fit right inside each raw edge of fabric. Iron down the hem tape to create the side seams.

6. Let the fabric cool, then flip the cover inside out and stuff the pillow inside. Ta-da!! Your new pillow slipcover! It would be easy to add some embellishment too: buttons, ribbon, etc at this point.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring Planting 2014

Over the last few weeks I have managed to do some yard work, albeit being 39 weeks pregnant today. (Hey, I'm hoping it might kickstart labor....). In the front of the house, I put snapdragons into two big pots, like I did last year. They did really well last year, and I liked the height, so I figured I would do the same thing again. Then, in the front bed I put two rows of purple salvias alternated with creme petunias. I think as they fill out they will look great!
In the back, I am happy that my hostas from last year are coming up strong. I got some Deer Off like my grandma, a master gardener suggested, so that I won't have to worry so much about them. The coral bells in between the hostas don't look like they are doing  much yet, so I am waiting to see if they will fill out. If not, I might replant. To give a nice border around the tree, I just put in some red begonias today. Can't wait to see them fill out!! New mulch helps a lot too.

We also have this old chimney contraption that we would never use for an real fire, because the tree is too close. So two weekends ago we filled it up with soil and I planted some seeds. A few have already started to come up, but they are just tiny green shoots right now. I'm hoping to have have a good display once it gets going in the next month or so.

As far as the garden, the only thing I haven't put in is the tomato plants. Students at school in our natural resources program started them for me, and I will pick them up in a few weeks, before school ends. The garden plot is about 15x25 or so. On the left end by the fence, I planted cucumbers on each end and sunflowers and gourds in the middle. Hopefully they will come up pretty soon and climb the fence well. Next would be three rows of tomatoes (I'll put those in at the end of May). In the middle of the garden, I just planted three rows of green bean seeds today. I'm sure that will be plenty, as I got 60 quarts out of that much last year. Finally, on the far right of the garden, I have peas that will grow up a short fence, and I am trying a few broccoli and zucchini plants as well. Those will be more for eating fresh than canning. I'm excited to have gotten those seeds in today! It hasn't got down to freezing for two weeks, so I think I am doing ok on the time table. Each year I learn more... I suppose I can always replant if they don't come up.

Whew! I sure felt productive today. I'm glad that I got them in before the baby came! (Now if the baby would just come!)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Date (fruit) Brownies

I wish I could say this post about brownies was unrelated to pregnancy, but it's not. Apparently research has shown that women who eat dates in the four weeks preceding their due date seem to have a larger cervical dilation, along with other positive features (see article here). Of course I'm only two weeks out from my due date, but I thought, hey, it couldn't hurt! So I found a recipe online. Many of these date brownie recipes are from raw foodists or gluten-free, which is great if you are trying to be healthy. The recipe I tried calls for a cup of dates (processed down in a food processor) to sweeten the brownies. Easy to make and I thought they came out pretty good. More on the chewy than the fudgy side (did I overcook maybe?), but I still liked them. As a bonus, I melted down chocolate chips while the brownies were still warm for a yummy topping.

Here's the recipe. I did use regular flour because I don't have almond flour. 

I'm not in labor yet, but of course I haven't finished the pan yet either. Give me another day or so, okay? LOL....