Sunday, March 20, 2011

Windy, Rainy, Yucky!

Well, I'm not sure where "sunny California" comes from at this point. We've had rain every day for a week straight! I know that rain is winter out here, but I sure don't like it. If it's going to be cold, I would rather have snow instead of rain. I definitely miss the warm spring rain from back home in Ohio....

Justin was up before me today. After I finally got out of bed, he told me I should go take a look at the barn. Since we rent, our landlord has an old barn on the property. It's been roofless since we got here. He's planning to fix it up. (But he says that about a lot of things) So I went to look, and here is what I saw:

Isn't that nuts? I mean, I knew it was windy, but this must have been an extreme case of the furious flurries! Luckily, all is just fine in the house and everything.


PS. I'm trying out this new recipe since I had Nutter Butters to use.... I'll let you know how it comes out next time!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I need a getaway...

To say the least, life has been exciting lately. There are several opportunities that I have, yet it is hard to know which one to take. I am trying to pray more and more for a peace about everything and for God's guidance in every area of my life. It is hard to trust sometimes, especially when you feel like you are hanging in that limbo on that rickety swinging bridge of life. But God sustains, and stops the wobbling, at least for a time until I can get a grip again. Because you know, it is me that lost my grip, not Him. He is always strong.

I just received our VBS material in from Desiring God Children's Ministries. The teaching is so solid; I think it is going to be great! We are in a bit of a conundrum on how to decorate, but thankfully I have delegated that to my aunt who is super creative and will do a fabulous job! People from the church are volunteering, and other items are coming together. It will be our second year of VBS, and I have an eager anticipation for what the Lord holds for this year. Most of all, I want children who are unchurched to come so that they can hear the gospel message.

Beyond that, life goes on. I stay busy with work, committees, and classes. And God sustains. Always.