Friday, May 25, 2012

CSUS Graduation for my Master's in Education

I know I am beyond slacking in posting lately (sorry grandma!!) But now I am posting, so there. I am going to do better since it was the last day of school. And hopefully I can kinda back-date the posts or something for the books I've read and things like that.

Anyway, so I walked in the graduation ceremony and California State University, Stanislaus yesterday. Woot Woot! Go me! I was technically done with my master's in education in December 2011, but waited until this year to do the ceremony.

And it was really hot, especially in the gown. Luckily it was only about 75 degrees, or I think a few people would have passed out or something. I was a little disappointed, to be honest, because it didn't seem like people took it as seriously. For example, students decorated the tops of their hats. And tossed beach balls around above the graduates during the ceremony. Tacky. That's what I think. I guess others would think that it was just fun, but it was my master's, for crying out loud, so I expected some dignity. They even tried to do the wave at one point. I think they said it was near 1,000 graduates. Maybe with so many it is hard to control.

Needless to say, I'm glad that I did the ceremony, but it wasn't a good as I had hoped. But I do love my mom and grandma and grandpa H. for sticking it out and going with me. Afterwards, we ate at Qdoba, one of my favorite nicer fast-food places. It was laid back, but it was nice.

So here's  a few pictures of the day:

(OMgosh, Crystal, I know this picture isn't centered. But this was the third try and since it was better than the others, I just left it. You should have seen the others...) 

 And since it was outside, I totally got sunburned. Hence the horrid tan line across my forehead. Luckily, the concealer I put on today evened it out a little bit...