Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring Planting 2014

Over the last few weeks I have managed to do some yard work, albeit being 39 weeks pregnant today. (Hey, I'm hoping it might kickstart labor....). In the front of the house, I put snapdragons into two big pots, like I did last year. They did really well last year, and I liked the height, so I figured I would do the same thing again. Then, in the front bed I put two rows of purple salvias alternated with creme petunias. I think as they fill out they will look great!
In the back, I am happy that my hostas from last year are coming up strong. I got some Deer Off like my grandma, a master gardener suggested, so that I won't have to worry so much about them. The coral bells in between the hostas don't look like they are doing  much yet, so I am waiting to see if they will fill out. If not, I might replant. To give a nice border around the tree, I just put in some red begonias today. Can't wait to see them fill out!! New mulch helps a lot too.

We also have this old chimney contraption that we would never use for an real fire, because the tree is too close. So two weekends ago we filled it up with soil and I planted some seeds. A few have already started to come up, but they are just tiny green shoots right now. I'm hoping to have have a good display once it gets going in the next month or so.

As far as the garden, the only thing I haven't put in is the tomato plants. Students at school in our natural resources program started them for me, and I will pick them up in a few weeks, before school ends. The garden plot is about 15x25 or so. On the left end by the fence, I planted cucumbers on each end and sunflowers and gourds in the middle. Hopefully they will come up pretty soon and climb the fence well. Next would be three rows of tomatoes (I'll put those in at the end of May). In the middle of the garden, I just planted three rows of green bean seeds today. I'm sure that will be plenty, as I got 60 quarts out of that much last year. Finally, on the far right of the garden, I have peas that will grow up a short fence, and I am trying a few broccoli and zucchini plants as well. Those will be more for eating fresh than canning. I'm excited to have gotten those seeds in today! It hasn't got down to freezing for two weeks, so I think I am doing ok on the time table. Each year I learn more... I suppose I can always replant if they don't come up.

Whew! I sure felt productive today. I'm glad that I got them in before the baby came! (Now if the baby would just come!)

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