Monday, July 5, 2010

Twilight: Eclipse

Just got back from watching Eclipse. My husband said that hands-down, it was way better than The Last Airbender, which we saw this past weekend. Now that is kind of funny for a guy to say. I did read somewhere that unlike the past Twilight movie which had a 80/20 female to male turnout, this one was 65/35 female to male turnout, which is interesting. I explained that the young girls read it and become instant fans, which in turns leads the moms to read, thus producing Twi-moms. Search that on Google and see what you find! And now the next phase happens- the boyfriends, husbands, and brothers get dragged to the movies and start having an interest in it. (Can you believe my husband said that he wants to read the books?)

On the positive side, I like that this movie can make me feel emotion. I feel awkward when Bella and her father have those weird parent-daughter talks. I feel angry when Bella is an idiot for not choosing Jacob. I feel sympathy for the newborn who has to pay the consequences to the Volturi. So in that sense, I enjoyed much of the movie.

I also thought that the movie was paced well. I didn't ever have to ask: "Is it over yet?" That is a big sign that it is dragging, and Eclipse definitely wasn't.

I could do without the smooching scenes, really. And I could do without the dismembered newborns (and Victoria) looking like broken mannequins. (Was their budget low in the special effects department?) It's not that I wanted to see gore or anything, but I just thought that it was really cheesy. Yes, I know the vampires are cold-blooded, but they're not ceramic, so why did they look like it after the fight scenes?

Tent Scene: It wasn't as good as I was expecting. I thought that Jacob was going to be a little more snuggly. I did appreciate the dialogue between Edward and Jacob though.

At the end, I still think Bella is an idiot for not choosing Jacob. He loves her so much and wants to really take care of her. At the same time, I would say that Edward has a more mature love in realizing that Bella should have a chance at a normal life, and he is willing to step away (and did in New Moon) if she would desire. The problem is that he is a slave to her, so if she says she wants to become a vampire, he will do it. While I think he is weak in that area, I do appreciate his moral stance to waiting until marriage for intimacy, even while Bella is constantly trying to coerce him into compromising positions. Perhaps this is why I don't like her character that much. 

By the way, the books are always better. Always.

Hmmm.... that's all for now. I'm just waiting to see my husband reading Twilight while curled up on the couch. That'll be the day!

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