Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hannah and Health Care

Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is now an Americal Idol mentor. Know I know it is just reality TV, but seriously, how desperate can you get? She's only 17. I know she has accomplished fame, but does that mean she can give others singing advice? Now I'm not criticizing anything about her signing, I just think there are people about there who are accomplished vocalists who would be better qualified.

On the health care front, President Obama signed the bill. I am very worried, and don't mind saying so. The entitlement society has gone too far. The feds want to much control and want to take too much of my hard-earned money. I'm not being greedy, but I know that I was taught to work hard and I would be rewarded. Now it almost seems like whether you work hard or not, you will still be rewarded. That is just wrong. Some people seem to want independence, but no responsibility. But sorry, that is what adulthood and freedom entail- not just independence, but responsibility. The satisfaction of earning something for yourself is great, and until people realize this, I am worried about our country.

I don't want socialized health care. I want people to work hard for themselves.

I always find O'Reilly informative. Here's a look:

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