Monday, March 1, 2010


I'm driving home after a way-too-long-educators-can-really-talk-a-lot staff meeting, and realizing what a gorgeous day it is. That's one thing about California I will always love- warm weather. Not I didn't say that I loved all the weather (booo cold winter rain- I would rather have Ohio snow) but I do love it being around 70 degrees some days in February and March. Anyways, I'm rambling.

I need to work on my flowers. I don't have too much in mind yet, and need to do some research. I have some small pots that I am trying to plant Alyssum in- it they actually grow like I want them to they will be scattered along the sidewalk to the house and look quite cute. (Of course cute is what my husband always dreams of the house looking like). Last year I think I started late because they didn't grow very well.

We just have one real place to plant flowers, and it is along the side of the house, by the porch. I started late last year (mid-summer) so I am determined to get started soon. As in, hopefully this week. Justin's parents are coming out and I am hoping to have some color by then, but of course you can't rush nature.

I love Zinnias but I am telling myself that I need to be more sophisticated for the main flower bed. I have a triangle section behind the house, so I might just plant zinnias there and use them for cut flowers. I just can't get enough of fresh flowers. I think my Grandma put this in me- every year I would go down to the farm in southwest Ohio during the summer and spend a week or two with them. Grandma always had her flowers, especially the beautiful roses, pruned and lovely. And thinking about, so did Great-Grandma Reedy, until she couldn't keep them up anymore. I think it is passed down to the generations, thought it skipped my dad, sorta. He always kept the yard looking nice but didn't fawn over flowers in particular. Now I think it is my turn and I always hope I do the flower bed justice, with Grandma in mind!

Here's last year's, but this year's will be better!

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