First, the carpet had fleas. The walls, trim, and fireplace was a worn-out off-white color. The fireplace tiles were gross, which I replaced in this DIY project. An bookshelf took up space on one wall. We ripped it out. After the carpet was removed (as per the contract when we bought the house) we sanded and painted the floor with Cocoon from Sherwin William's Rustic Refined collection. Our family came down over a weekend in the fall, and helped paint the walls with Bittersweet Stem. I replaced the tiles, with Justin's help to tear them out, in December.
I picked up the rug and pillows from Gabriel Brothers, a discount store. The blue chair I got from Goodwill for $5. The coffee table was a DIY project that I got at a garage sale this summer for another $5. I'll have to post more on that later- it was purple to start with) Mom graciously made the curtains, which have a light blue pattern, this fall. And finally, finally, we had the revelation that my hope chest would fit just perfectly in the space between the fireplace and the wall! Dad and mom had a talented wood-working neighbor make these for Bethany, Ratona and I when we were young. They actually all fit together in the window seat of our dormer window at our house in Springfield, but look great separately too. I never took it to Cali when I moved out there... I guess I always knew I would be back here somehow.
I think that pretty much covers all the improvements. Waddaya think?
Looks fantastic! :)