Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Brewer Pregnancy Diet: More Protein!

As I've referred to in past posts, Justin and I completed The Bradley Method classes for our childbirth training. One of the things I really like is the comprehensive approach that they take to pregnancy, because it seems to me that many things affect the birth experience and developing baby. Of course, one crucial element is what you eat during pregnancy. While the Brewer Pregnancy Diet is a little different than my normal routine, I've been very pleased with how I feel. But let me back up to the start of my pregnancy and work from there.

When I got pregnant in early August 2103, I was training for a half marathon. I had to eat good food, or I wouldn't feel well enough to put in the mileage I need to for training. At that point, I ran 3-4 times a week, anywhere from 4 miles on "short" runs to 8-10 miles on Saturday long runs. Here's a sample day before the Brewer Diet...

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese, orange juice
Lunch: sandwich (peanut butter/jelly) on 2 slices of whole wheat bread OR plain tuna with crackers, apple (or another fruit)
Dinner: chicken casserole (chicken, rice or noodles, sauce), green beans, brownie
Snack after run: 12 oz (ish) smoothie (banana, frozen fruit, carrots, flaxseed [sometimes kale was included])

I think a strength is that I always got my servings of fruits and veggies (though more fruits than veggies usually) but a weakness is that I pretty much always had something for dessert, and didn't have as many whole grains as I should have.

Bring in the Brewer Diet around 20 weeks, right about Christmas time, when we started classes...

I'll let you check out the link for specifics (http://www.drbrewerpregnancydiet.com/id96.html), but it big idea is that I needed to up my protein from around 40-50 grams to 80-100 grams a day, and add  more greens and milk products. Now, I like meat, but getting 80 grams of protein a day is a real challenge. I'm sure that I don't get there every day, but I am really trying to! So I've tried to start adding things to my diet to up my protein that are high-count protein without wasted calories. Here are some of the protein sources I have been adding:
  • Cheese - 7 grams in one slice. I love the following because it's so convenient:  http://www.landolakes.com/product/44815/-snackn-cheese-to-go-co-jack-snack-cheese
  • Greek yogurt - about 20 grams in one cup, added to smoothies, soups, tuna or mashed potatoes
  • Peanut butter- 7 grams in 2 tablespoons. Not the most effective source with extra sugars.
  • Almonds- 7 grams in 1/4 cup
  • Protein-rich granola- 10 grams per 1/2 cup. http://www.naturevalley.com/Snack-Bars/OatsHoneyGranola 
  • Chicken, pork, tuna, ham-20-25 grams in 3 oz
  • Potato with skin- 5 grams per medium potato
  • Pinto, navy, kidney beans- 7 grams per 1/2 cup. I make chili or bean soup pretty often.
  • Eggs- 6 grams per egg. I've recently made deviled eggs because I'm getting sick of scrambled!
  • Oatmeal- 6 grams in 1 cup cooked. I also add oatmeal to cookies, brownies, etc. if my sweet tooth calls, though I try to limit my sweets.
To be honest, I just feel like I am eating SO MUCH. Way more than usual. And commenting on weight gain during pregnancy, I didn't gain anything for the first four months (16 week or so). Over the last three months (now I'm 28 weeks), I have gained about 20 pounds, which is right about average recommendation. The interesting thing is that I think it's all in my belly and breasts, I mean, I haven't had the legs of my pants getting tight. Hopefully I will be able to keep it at about 30-35 total to the time I give birth.

One another note with the whole diet thing, I have still kept up exercising even after the half-marathon was over at 7 weeks pregnant. I continued to run until about 24 weeks, at which point the pressure on my bladder just made running uncomfortable. So I have been walking three times a week, and doing strength training exercises at home like squats, lunges, and arm weights. I think this helps a lot with how feel overall.

I have to say: I'm feeling good. Looking back so far, the biggest issues have been the mood swings during the first trimester, a few headaches during second trimester around 15-20 weeks, and trying to get comfortable to sleep throughout. I haven't had any morning sickness though or many other issues. As for the headaches, I think those might have been caused somewhat from stress at work, the holiday business, or perhaps just fluctuating hormones. Whatever it was, they are gone now, and I think that it might be due in part to the diet changes. I also think it's interesting that I haven't had any crazy cravings. I wonder if it's because I am getting the nutrients I need? Who knows... Since this is my first pregnancy, I'm learning as I go, and I thought I would share here in case it could help anyone. I'm not a doctor though, so please consult yours before trying anything! :)

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