Saturday, January 26, 2013

Great opinion column about the joys of marriage

Well, as I was perusing FoxNews, getting distracted from the task at hand (trying to write my memoir on teaching), I came across these two articles:

Waiting till the wedding night-getting married the right way


 A man's top 5 reasons to grow up and get married

It was so great to read from someone who realizes how important marriage is! Our culture has downplayed marriage so much, making it seem boring. It's not boring! It's a wonderful experience of learning and growing, with many benefits that I'll let you read the articles for. He also talked about waiting until marriage for sex, and he was so right! Our society is so sex-crazed, but obviously many aren't finding fulfillment. It's because God created sex for marriage. And in marriage it is blessed! I speak this as a happy wife who loves her husband, and we waited.

Now, I'll take a short exception to the author calling single people lazy, like they are avoiding marriage on purpose. I have several single friends who would love to be married, but haven't met anyone yet in their circle of work and church. They would love to find someone, but want to be careful and make sure they marry someone they can share their life and faith with. Are they supposed to go on a Christian dating site to find their spouse? So I wouldn't be so harsh on the singles, while I would definitely call out people who live together.

Another very good article called Searching for God, Settling for Sex address the 50 Shades of Grey book. I have not read them myself, and probably won't based on the weird content I have heard is included. It scares me that my students are reading this stuff. But read the article for the author's take that our society is looking for intimacy, but settling for intensity. I agree.

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