Dani is getting big- talking so much like a big girl. She's 21 months now-wow! She loves her books and knows the words for so many things! It is really cool to see. Jackson is still little, just 6 weeks at the time, and pretty much just sleeps. But he's fun to have around too. Makes me want my own sometime in the future.
New Years, Justin's parents were able to come up to and help us with some projects. Tony and Justin were about the re-wire for the dryer downstairs and put in an exhaust vent for the dryer too. It's so nice to have the washer and dryer on the same level now! It was just no fun dragging those heavy wet clothes upstairs in the basket to put them in the dryer. So that was a major improvement.
Over break, I was able to decorate some in the family room, putting up memorabilia and pictures. In the middle bedroom, I was finally able to retexture the room. (More on that later with pictures) Last week we even found a rug, so that room is all painted and finished too! On the main level then, we just have a few major unfinished things: carpet in the family room, vinyl in the utility room, and converting the half-bath to a full bath. The bath conversion won't happen until later this year though. We do have the vinyl already for the utility, but need to do some prep work. As far as the carpet goes, we just keep checking the remnants. I'm sure we'll find something eventually!
With the house settling down, I actually sorted out all the bills and paperwork that had been stacking up since the move. (which was quite a bit) While I haven't put them away yet, there separately (neatly?) across the dining room table. I'll have to get them put away soon though; we've got company coming Saturday! The other thing I'd really like to work on is my book. Of my first five years of teaching that I'm writing about, I'm pretty close to being done with year four. Then just one left. My goal is to be done in a month or so, then I can send it to friends and family for some feedback. Though I am pretty scared about that, I know it needs to happen before I would seriously consider sending it to a publisher. And trust me, I'm sending it to a publisher! My goal is to make enough on it to build a house. Maybe that's a lofty goal, but I guess that's just my personality.
I suppose that's enough updates for now. Soon I'll try too do some more before & after pictures of different rooms of the house. That'll be nice!
Only one year left? You're so close! You can do it! :) I want to read it when you're done. :)