Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A response to the Colorado Massacre

I just read an article that stated how a key scene was going to be changed in Gangster Squad, a new movie, because of the Colorado shootings. Apparently the scene was a shooting scene in a movie theatre, similar to the Aurora killings.

Why doesn't anyone ever make this connection? The more violence movies portray, the more society will mimic it. It's fine line between reality and fantasy, and some people just can't make the distinction. Now, obviously man (humankind) is born with sin, as the Bible teaches, so he will always be bent on evil. The man who shot all of those innocent people in the theatre made a choice to do something absolutely evil. But, perhaps he wouldn't have been so inclined to do so if society hadn't exposed him to it though violent movies, video games, etc.

Trust me, I'm not trying to shift blame. He should get his just due for murdering innocent people. I'm just trying to say that there might be a connection between violence in the media and how people become desensitized. Isn't that what The Hunger Games is all about? That is why, in my opinion, it is a bit ironic that a movie was made. Because it is visualizing exactly what Collins was writing against. I just hope that people see the lesson behind it, not just the violence. Because really, Hunger Games is a critique of our society.

I wish that society would change the violence portrayed in movies. Younger and younger kids are going, and by the time they are adults, it doesn't even phase them. Last week we rented Sherlock Holmes, and he gets a meat hook in his shoulder. And we watch this!! It didn't even seem to phase my husband, and I supposed I am used to it too. Thought I did look away- I just can't stomach it. Then all of the fight scenes in show motion and all the special affects. Why can't we just enjoy a simple movie without all of that? Look at The Blind Side- a huge blockbuster without all the violence. Too bad moviemakers don't take a clue. But, I would suppose this goes back to the depravity of human nature too. Only God can provide a rule and guidance, a standard for living, which is found in the Bible. I know some people don't want to answer to anyone but themselves, but that is what the Colorado gunman did. He answered to himself. And look what happened there. Such a tragedy. My prayers are with the victims and their families.

And I'm glad that at least a small change was made to the violent content of an upcoming movie as a result.

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