Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Herman Cain

Even though the presidential election is still a year away, the debates are already raging. And I like it. This is what democracy is all about- finding the candidate who would best represent us. I'm really liking Herman Cain. I like that he doesn't have a lot of political experience, if any, on the national level. I like that he has run a business. I like that he didn't come from a wealthy family. I like that he doesn't make race an issue. I like that he is fresh.

While I'm not sure if I like the 9-9-9 plan for a permanent thing, it would get us started in the right direction. Then hopefully we could proceed to a fair tax. That just seems sensible. At least he has a plan and wants to overhaul the current system.

He is good in the debates too. I hope that he at least gets the VP nomination, if not the presidential one. We need something new for the Republican party.The thing is that I feel a connected with Cain's "everyman" image, as one writer called it (sorry I don't remember where it was from though). But I don't really feel a connection with Perry, who is weak on the border, with Gingrich, who just seems too old (I know that's plain stupid of me), with Romney, who holds different religious views that me (though that doesn't mean he wouldn't run the country well), or with Bachmann, even though she is a woman. I'm not going to even address the other candidates because I don't know that much about them and they don't have large numbers in the polls.

And I respect Cain- in one of the debates the candidates were asked who they would pick for a VP. At least half of the ten wouldn't give an answer. But Cain did- he said Romney or Gingrich. Because of that, I think he is a straightforward guy, and I like that. Will he get my vote? Time will tell.


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