Tuesday, June 14, 2011

God Always Wins VBS!

This year we based our VBS on the theme "God Always Wins" from Desiring God ministries. We just finished day two and it is going well so far. The curriculum is solid Biblically and there are so many wonderful teachers and helpers! Here's a few pictures of the week:

Setting up the background...
 Praying before class...

 Getting ready for games...

 Snacks and crafts...

 More children ready for games...
 You just can't go wrong with duck, duck, goose!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! We're also planning on doing this for our program this year. Love the decorating ideas. Would you mind sharing what crafts you did? Or any other pics from the event? My email is laurakannon@ftc-i.net Thank you so much!
