Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Road

Last night Justin and I watched The Road. Quite frankly, it was pretty frightening. I would say it was a cross between The Happening and The Carriers, and definitely over the edge on the gory side. When I say that, I mean never show it to kids, because earth had just been through an apocalypse, and people were starving so much they would eat each other. Pretty gross, I know, and I'm not quite sure how a book like this could win awards and be considered so great.

When I see a movie like that, I just think about man's depravity and utter hopelessness without God.

True, a positive point was the father and son's relationship and hanging on to each other no matter what. And another family accepting the son when the father finally died. Beyond that, it's utter hopelessness.

One review said that this book was a testament to what could happen if we don't start to take care of the earth. However, in watching the movie, I saw no pointers to anything environmental- just a decaying, horrid place that the father and son were wandering through as they tried to make it to the coast and go south.

At the end of it all, I just had nightmares about cannibalism. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. (I hate it when I waste my time like that!)

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