Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Hunger Games

Last night I read The Hunger Games.  Then today, I made Justin get Catching Fire, the second book, when he was out doing errands. And I finished it too! One of my students was reading it before class started, and it looked so good that I asked if I could borrow it. He graciously let me.

Oh, it was sooooooo good. Look, you read Twilight and you're hooked, but there isn't a whole lot of redeeming character qualities or themes from the books. Sure you read them because you relate to some part of the love triangle, but it stops there. I don't think they will be a classic or anything. Back to The Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins. The characters have depth, history, and real reasons to fight. Noble ones, like home and family. And unlike Bella, Katniss is willing to sacrifice for the good of others, not herself.

The whole scope of the story to me really illuminates our desensitization to violence. I can actually imagine this happening in the future, but of course I hope that the world never comes to this. But the hope, the perseverance, and the selflessness of the characters are what is so astounding about the story. It's not contrived and silly. It's real, in-your-face situations that tests what is right. Since we see the clear and noble choice of right triumph over the odds, it's worth the read.

I'll be recommending it to all my classes on Monday. The paperback starts at $6 at Walmart. Go get it!!!!

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