Sunday, May 2, 2010


Here's how I know that I am cheap, thrifty, stingy, penny-pinching person:

I save the twist ties off of any and all bags. No, really, I figure why pay for these when you can have a collection of 233 in the junk drawer of your kitchen?

Here's how I know my husband is cheap:

He bought the off-brand of BRAN flakes and thought that he could eat them. Silly, I know, but he did. However, now they have been sitting in my cereal basket on top of the fridge for over a month. And he hasn't touched them since the first bite, when he said they were so nasty that he couldn't eat any more.


I also know I am cheap because I can't buy anything unless it is on sale. Some people will go out and buy a pair of jeans for $100 dollars. I wouldn't do that- ever! But, I would go to Ross or the thrift store and spend $100- you'd better bet that I would get a lot of bang for my buck though! I would come out with a couple pairs of pants, several shirts, and a cute pair of shoes.

I do owe my mom for this mindset, and in the long run, I know that it will be immensely helpful. Hey, I paid off my college loan in less than a year, so it is helping out somewhere!

To prove my cheap point, here is a video about whether expensive or cheap jeans have better quality. (And for the record- their 'cheap' $30 jeans are more than I would pay for cheap jeans).

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