Thursday, May 20, 2010

Disposable Society

Disposal. It's such a shame that marriage is so disposable. It's not valued like it should be!

Flipping through the yahoo homepage, I saw link for "15 Ways to Prevent Divorce." Curious as to our culture's remedy, I click and it took me to this article. I thought that some of them were probably quite true, while others were just coincidence. For example, living in a red or blue state, or having a male child, seems like a coincidence. One the other hand, statements like: you live together before hand, you have a same-sex partner, or you have parents who divorced, are more likely a true cause of divorce.

Following this article, there's even a calculator to predict if you will have a divorce.

WAIT!!! Does anyone realize that getting a divorce is a CHOICE, not a mathematical calculation? It drives me crazy that our society can come up with a calculator for this stuff, and that people might even rely on it.

Marriage is sacred, and should not be entered lightly. And when it is entered, it should be embraced and held in high esteem and commitment. I love my husband, and will never divorce him because I committed to love him until death parts us! Sure, being married isn't easy, but neither is life, and honoring a commitment is a worthwhile task.

Come on people, let's start honoring our word and loving those we have chosen to marry. And let's also think long and hard before we marry!

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