Sunday, April 25, 2010


I saw this article last week that talks about a gay couple in Texas who want a divorce.

Now, I first must say that I respectfully disagree with gay marriage. According to the Bible, which I believe, marriage is between a man and a woman for life.

Next, it hit me as ironic that for so long same-sex couples have fought for the right to a union, yet now they want divorce? If they want divorce, didn't they think about why they got married in the first place? Marriage should be a lifetime commitment.

This example just goes to show that marriage in general in our culture has lots it value. Justin and I have been watching a series on Christian marriage by John Piper, where he really investigates about marriage is a mirror of Christ and the church. This series goes deep and really shows how marriage in our culture is so undervalued. If one does decide to get married, staying married is optional. It is not wonder that we have such a mess of live-ins and people who are afraid of commitment. When Justin and I got engaged and later married, we realized that we were making a lifetime commitment, no matter what. Instead of being scary, it is comforting to know that we have each other forever, no matter what, to work through issues and grow together. But in today's culture, commitment is just thrown out.

Let me give an example. The site is a break off site for married couples from the hit site It is secular but many brides used for planning and it is a good resource. Nevertheless, caters to married couples and has discussion boards. One husband was bemoaning an issue about his wife, which I shall not name, because I think that it is horrifically personal and should never have been shared. Anyways, one of his options was to just get a divorce- because, as he said, he is "still young and decently good looking, and I could probably find another mate." When he first got married, he should have carefully considered the decision he was making!!!

Marriage should be a lifetime commitment between a man and woman. Oh, let God-honoring marriage be exalted to the place that it should be!

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