Sunday, April 18, 2010

Diva Demands?

Today I post about Sarah Palin. Apparently some think she is a diva. What this would mean is that she is high-class and demands princess treatment.

I don't agree. In the following clip, a female writer from a magazine says that she cannot relate to the common folk because she makes a lot of money at speaking engagements. Take a look:

However, I don't agree. Have you seen the pictures and footage of her fishing and hunting? Really, I don't think that Paris Hilton or Britney Spears does that. I just don't agree with the aforementioned woman. When Palin speaks, she speaks to the concerns of middle class America and can relate to them because in her heart she is one. Just because she had the opportunity to run as a vice presidential candidate and that thrust her into the spotlight doesn't mean that she suddenly forgets everything that she believes in and grew up with.

Now, I know the dumpster divers found paperwork from a speaking contract that Palin wanted a nice hotel and two water bottles with bendable straws, as well as first class tickets. But I don't think this is necessarily unreasonable. She was invited there, she didn't force her way in and then say these things (unless I am mistaken on that point). I am sure that many speakers have small personal things that they would like to have when they are at a speaking engagement. Palin is not demanding a special wine or something, for crying out loud! I'm sure one could buy two water bottles and bendable straws for less than $5. I don't think that's too much to ask. Plus, maybe she doesn't like to worry about the water dripping on her. Who hasn't had water spill on them at one time or another? I think that would be an embarrassment worth avoiding. While first class tickets and a hotel are more expensive, I think it would be worth comparing what speakers for similar engagements receive.

I know this scenario has many facets, but I just wanted to be practical about it, aside from the politics. Maybe you agree and maybe not. Feel free to leave a comment.

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