I don't think that Dani knew quite what to do with all the presents, but I'm sure she will enjoy them as she gets to play with each one. I loved a little tea set that she got.... when you "pour" it, it sounds like water coming out. She also got a sandbox. We all thought it would be a great idea to have all the cousins get in for a picture, but that's harder than it sounds. I think I might have gotten ONE picture where there were semi-happy, but the others are varying stages of chaos! LOL... I got Dani an AquaMap. Whoever came up with that idea was brilliant!! It's a white "canvas" that when the water-filled pen colors on it, makes marks! Then it dries in a few minutes and you can color all over again. Pretty sweet. (Oh, to be a kid again!)
We drove back yesterday, then [glory hallelujah] it snowed and I got a snow day to catch up on all the things I would normally do on the weekend. Yippee! I put a venison stew in the crockpot, made venison meatballs, and shredded chicken to use for a casserole later. Then I got all caught up on grading. While I'm feeling so accomplished, I might go work out... might...
Ask me about that one later! :)
Here's Jackson getting some tummy time!
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