Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Procrastination; Motivation

Right now, I have many things I should be doing. Such as, folding the clothes that are sitting beside me on the sofa, or the towels that are on the love seat across from the sofa. Beyond the love seat, I can see the Rubbermaid storage tubs which are keeping more packed clothes in safekeeping until I unload them into the crowded bedroom. I can also see the baseboards in the family room off to the left, which needed to be given their final touch-up coat of paint. And while I can't see the dishes in the kitchen, I know that they need to be put away. Off in the half bath in the back of the house, I can hear Justin sanding my patch job furiously. Downstairs, more laundry awaits its turn in the washer. Plus, I need to clean the bathroom. If possibly I got that done, I really wanted to get the backsplash put up on the bathroom sink and the kitchen sink.

I'm not sure what it is, but since we've moved in, I seem to have lost some motivation for the house. I guess it's just not as pressing since we are finally out of my parent's place. Or maybe I'm just plain tired of it. Or just tired in general. Either way, my hardworking husband isn't letting up, so I need to step up. Here I go, I'm getting off....

After I close the Facebook tab, the Yahoo mail tab, and the O'Reilly Factor tab. But, I need to finish the video, which is still buffering since we are connected to a slow server, which is really not ours  to begin with, but an unsecured line from one of our neighbors. So hopefully it will finish playing the Talking Points memo so I can get to work sometime soon.

Meanwhile, I'll try to do something productive and stop procrastinating.. lol!

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