Friday, August 27, 2010

Must blog, must blog...

Sheesh, I am horrible I haven't blogged for a while!!! And I have a lot that I could say too, that's the thing. Uh, where to start?

Between one of my classes today, one of my students walked up to me and said, "Do you know you're on Google?" And I replied, "You googled me?" She was just looking for our class website, but it was still funny to me. Of course I am sure that students have done it before, but it was funny to actually hear someone say it!

In other news, my schedule for my master's program changed a bit. Right now I have class two nights a week and hopefully one online class- if I don't get that class, I might not be able to finish in a year. I do like my other two class quite a bit though- they are really invigorating. It's just the new ideas and the administrator perspective that I enjoy. In any job, there is always a different perspective. I have had the perspective of a teacher for four years now, and I like learning from the perspective of an administrator.

My classes are doing great. Very minimal discipline problems. Open house was last night, and all of the parents are very friendly and amiable. (Amiable- one of our vocabulary words this week) First quarter we have a big focus on plot, so students are reading short stories and drawing plot diagrams. O. Henry, Edgar Allen Poe, and the like. Great stuff.

Also coming soon is Justin's website for online personal training. Since I don't really have any background in web design, I'm sure I am making it a lot more cumbersome than it has to be. Still, I enjoy the new challenge and we hope to get some advertising out too.

That's the biggest things in short. I'll have to get more detailed later!

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