Sunday, June 20, 2010

Graduate work!

For some reason, I just love being able to say things like "Oh, my undergrad work was...." or "in my graduate program....." I guess I just like feeling like I have achieved something then!

I did officially start in a graduate program for School Administration  (i.e.: a school principal) at California State University, Stanislaus campus. I am just taking one 5-credit class in this summer term, but in the fall I will be taking about 15 credits, and in the spring about 15-17 credits. I am going to be pretty busy, as I am still teaching, but I think that it will be worth it. I will be able to finish my master's in a year if I can keep up with everything. In this program, they have a comprehensive exam option that you can take instead of writing a thesis, which I am pretty excited about. That is still a lot to remember, but since I am so interested, I hope that it won't be too bad.  I am definitely enjoying class so far.

On Friday night I went to see Karate Kid. I thought that it was pretty good, though (gasp) I haven't seen the first one. When I told my husband that he rolled his eyes. Oh well! Overall, I give it an 8 out of 10 and would recommend others to go see it. First, because it is very clean and I think portrays values of good sportsmanship, working hard for achievement, and listening to your elders. On a downside, as a Christian I don't believe that peace comes through kung fu, but through Jesus Christ. So besides the eastern mysticism, I think it is a solid, family-friendly choice!

Well, I think I am going to wrap it up for today. Happy Father's Day to my dad!!!

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