Saturday, February 20, 2010

First Post!

Well, hello internet and blogging world! I've decided to give it a whirl and start a blog. I've been thinking about it for while, and here on this Saturday morning without a rigid schedule, I have begun.

I plan on posting frequently, as I frequently muse over the happenings in this world and think I might have a few insightful comments here and there. Whether the blogging world will think so or not, time will tell.

Pheidippides was, according to the legend, the first person to run the length of a marathon. He ran to take an urgent message after a victory, but after running the distance, he collapsed and died. In contrast to Pheidippides, I hope to run, or more likely, write, faithfully and not collapse at the end, but finish the race strong. The race of life. As the apostle Paul said, "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives a prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it...Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified."

In high school, my youth group from Grace Baptist Church took a hiking trip to the gorgeous Appalachian Trail. In a week we hiked about 30 miles, and we definitely weren't gorgeous after that. If you didn't realize, serious trail hikers pack all supplies in and out, and usually get a shower once a week. At the end of that week, my quarter shower at the state park was positively marvelous. During that trip, one of the girls gave me the trail name of Pheidippides, because she said I seemed to always have energy to keep climbing those hills. Every down leads to an up, but I loved the challenge and was invigorated by the fresh air of God's creation. Since I love to run anyways, Pheidippides seemed to be the perfect trail name. Still, I hope to take that trail name from high school, about 8 years ago now, and infuse it into my life today.

I am a proud American citizen, a wife, a teacher, a church member, a runner, a reader, a scrapbooker, a friend, a daughter, a sister. I'm excited to be writing.

Here's picture of me on the Appalachian Trail in high school. I'm in the middle, and Fancy Free and T-Bott are on either side. They were Thru-Hikers-- people who hiked the entire length of the trail.

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