Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hunger Games Advance Tickets

I am WAAAAAAAAAAY TOOOOO EXCITED about getting advance tickets for The Hunger Games. Really, it is a bit obsessive. I recently read the whole series through again, which is probably my 4th time through. I need to relax about it, but there are just so many facets and it is so deep that it makes you think. For days after, I'm dreaming about it and trying to solve society's problems and bring characters back to life. I cry every time I read them. I'm hopeless!

I am going to the movie on March 24th, a Saturday. And I'm sure I will go again too. It is going to be intense.

I heard that there are going to be four movies. Why do they always split them up??? I know it is partly a money thing, but I just wish they would keep it to three like to original story. I am hopeful that overall the movie will remain true to the book, but of course I always worry with adaptations. Suzanne Collins helped write the screenplay though, so at least you know that her stamp of approval is on it.

So now I just have to wait three weeks. It's gonna be forever!!!

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