Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!


It just seems so crazy.... time is flying this school year. I am continually grateful that I have such a great class this year, otherwise everything else with school and my master's would be so much more stressful.

I finished last semester with 4.0. I'm pretty proud of myself considering that it was 16 credits and I was working full time. I think I am going to apply for graduation speaker too.... but that means that I need to come up with something really good.

We went to Justin's parents over Christmas. It was nice to see everyone and it even snowed, which we would never get in CA over Christmas! His parents have been working on renovating their house, and it is really coming together nicely.

I read "The Hunger Games" series AGAIN!! It is just so good. Everyone should go read it. I also read "The Devil's Arithmetic" and "Number the Stars," both historical fiction of the Holocaust era. And "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis. Oh, and "One Child," which by a teacher who had special needs class with a emotionally disturbed and abused child. It was very good and reminded me of how as a teacher I can't always see what is behind a child's behavior, but must do my best to reach out to each one. On that note, I bought "Stand and Deliver," a movie about teaching, and watched it again too. Such inspiration!!!

That's all for this catch-up post. I'll really try to be better about posting, but no promises....

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