Friday, June 29, 2012

Cleaning Moods

Moods come and go. Especially cleaning moods. For some reason, a cleaning mood came upon me yesterday though. I cleaned the bathrooms and washed dishes, which are normal chores, but it didn't really bother me to do them yesterday. Then I worked in the downstairs bathroom/ laundry room to clean out a small cabinet and the the shelf of supplies. Boy, does it get dirty in there!!

Then, the big one: mom's sewing room area and hallway outside of the bedrooms. It just kinda becomes the dumping ground for too many things! I started with the canning shelves by organizing all the canned goods on one shelf. Then all the canning supplies went on the other shelf. I organized those by pint or quart size and also by whether they were wide mouth or small mouth jars. Then all the rings of the same size went together, looped around a wire hanger. Pots and other machinery went on the upper shelves.

That right there took me a good hour, I'd say. But it sure is pretty now!

 Up next was the miscellaneous stuff that gets dropped out of sight: boxes of wrapping supplies, extra paper that mom brings home from work, suitcases, extra pillows, old pictures, off-season decorations. I fit most decorations into a cabinet and organized them. I organized the wrapping supplies and put them away in the closet, along with suitcases and pillows. But the paper!! Oh, the paper. When mom first started working at the print center, she would bring home scraps all of the time. Which was nice, because I used a lot of them for scrapbooking. The problem is that there are SO MANY, and some of them are odd colors that you can't use. I ended up re-organizing the scrapbooking shelves and sorting the paper by color. (Don't tell mom, but a few of the random pieces I just tossed.) It looks way better now and you can actually find what you need.

Most of the sewing area I didn't mess with, except to make sure that thing were off of the floor and on the shelf. What she needs to do is get two more cabinets so the doors can be shut to keep the oddness (and madness) out of sight!! Maybe I can get her to do that next week...

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