Apparently the state legislature has been busy solving California's budget woes. They are working on two new items: establishing Cuss-Free Week and tracking animal abusers like they would sex offenders.
Tracking Animal Abusers
Here's the idea: Known animal abusers would have their information written in an online database that anyone can look up. It would include names, what the person looks like, previous crimes, where they live, etc so that people in the community could look out for any potential problems. Supposedly it would also help personnel at the pound to not sell innocent animals to these people.
Here's the problem: The program might cost up to $1 million to launch. It would pay for the tracking program by taxing pet food. This really punishes those who are taking care of their animals well. They would also fine the abusers, but some critics say this should be the only place they raise there money, not from pet food taxes. It also would give another government job and more taxes, and more law enforcement to keep with the the issues that arise.
Cuss-Free Week
Here's the idea: "Californians have a history of trying to keep the state's air and water clean. Now their tackling language. Californians have better start watching their mouth" says an article clip. The resolution sets the first week of March as a cuss-free week. The movement was started by a teenager who started a No-Cuss Club at his school, and other clubs have been started in every state and several countries.
Here's the problem: There is no enforcement mechanism. Also, how does this help the budget, which is the biggest issue right now??
To wrap this up, I have a few concluding thoughts:
Both of these issues are worthwhile, in the big picture, and perhaps even noble. I teach junior high and know that profanity is rampant- kids use it because they see it in the movies, hear it from family, or just think it makes them cool. I would love for there to be more publicity about this. But in the legislature? We have a serious budget crisis and it is affecting our children's schooling. In my opinion, the effort it took to write this resolution should have been put to solving the budget crisis. On the animal abuse issue, there is not doubt in my mind that it is a horrible thing. But I just don't elevate it to the same level as a rapist or sex offender. The animal isn't a person. Let's put our effort into more severe punishment for sex offenders. Fine animal abusers all you want, that is fine. But let's keep the focus that people are most important and are the ones most worthy of protecting. Besides, it would create another government job and more spending of money that is NOT THERE.
And that's my two cents.
Here's a video about Cuss Free Week
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